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Automatically chop and mangle drum breaks

Sample chopping in Ableton, done automatically with two Ableton devices.

This pack includes two devices for Ableton Live designed to save you a ton of time chopping drum breaks. 

  • AUTOCHOPPER A Simpler device rack for Ableton that automatically chops drum breaks for you by dragging your sample into the device. 
  • AUTOGLITCHER An effects rack that automatically glitches out any audio you send into it, while staying in time with the session.

Use them both together or on their own for maximum creativity.

The AUTOCHOPPER device is really the star of the show here and does most of the work for actually chopping samples and gets even more interesting with the AUTOGLITCHER, but you can also use either of them independently.

Watch the product video for a demo of what it does and how to use it. 


Both devices require a full version of Ableton Live 11.3 or higher, including Max for Live. Certain features may not work on lower tiered versions of the software. 



When I drop a drum break in the first region or slice does not play back, how can I change this?

If you want the first slice to play back, open up the Random device immediately before the Sampler and turn down the Chance control below 100%. Somewhere in the 90% range usually gives a good blend of regions that will include the first. 


I'm using a high number of slices, a very long sample, or both and the rack is mostly playing back in one area of the audio file. How do I make it choose slices in a different general area?


Add an instance of the Pitch MIDI effect between the Random effect and the Simpler Device. Use the Pitch control to transpose the output of the Random effect to move the slices. You can automate this or map it to it's own macro to control this.